Portrait Painting in the Sight-Size Tradition : Accurately represent your subject as the eye sees it

In July, I will be instructing a 10 day portrait painting workshop at the Academy of Realist Art Boston. Although I teach comparative measuring in my figure drawing/painting classes, I absolutely love sight-size for traditional portraiture. Every time I use it, I'm reminded of the first time I was exposed to it years ago and and how right it felt, immediately. Know that feeling of finding something that fits you perfectly? Pretty gratifying.

This workshop will explain my muti-layered process of developing a head and shoulders portrait while working in the sight-size method. I'll lecture/demo on subjects including: facial anatomy, planar modeling, color temperature, edge quality, glazing and scumbling.

Dates: July 9th - 20th. 9:30-4:30.

For more info and to register, please visit the ARA Boston website: http://www.araboston.com/workshops-classes/

Miss Rachel done Sight-Size


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